Hey all,
So, school has been punching me in the face everyday for the past few weeks. Now, since I actually have no lab work to do, finally have some time to update the lovely blog.
In my spare time I've been playing World of Warcraft. For those following the game, you already know that the next expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, is due out on November 13th. For those of you who haven't played this past week (ahem, Sodoom), you all totally missed one of the coolest world events in the game, namely, ZOMBIE INFESTATION!
So here is what happened. And I use the past tense because as of 10 minutes ago, a cure has been administered to the entire world.
First: mysterious crates started to show up in Booty Bay. They had an odd green glow to them, so naturally, when you touched them, you got a debuff of "You're Infected!" and after 10 minutes, you'd turn into a zombie. As a zombie, you could attack anyone who was not a zombie, and when you attacked them, they get a debuff too! On the first day, you could dispel this off with a Cure Disease.
Second: The boxes start showing up the all capital cities. Also, plagued roaches start to seep into the cities. Killing one of these would get you infected. The incubation time for the disease fell from 10 minutes to 5 minutes, and now it was more resistant to Cure Disease. Radius of zombie explosion increased. New boss in Kara released (Tenris Mirkblood)
Third: Plagued vermin infest the cities. Cure Disease is almost completely useless. Incubation time cut from 5 minutes to 2 minutes. Argent Dawn healers abandon most areas of cities. Argent Dawn people start sprouting up at Light's Hope Chapel.
Forth: The scourge invasion comes back! Necropoli start sprouting up in Tarnaris, Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Blasted Lands, and outside all major cities. Zombie disease incubation time cut from 2 minutes to 1 minute.
Fifth: Grand Apothacary Putress shows up in Shattrath with a bunch of apothacary people, working on a cure. Get a quest to speak with him, and he gives you a dual plagued brain to bring to your racial city. Another quest (for alliance only, i think) from a bishop sends you to deliver an object completely full of the light. People speculate this is the cleansed ashbringer??
Finally: As of 3pm October 27th, the Zombie Infection of 2008 is cured. Plagued vermin and boxes are purged from all cities.
OH MAN! Being a zombie was really fun, as was the idea of the Wrath of the Lich King storyline actually starting. Putress is now in the game (and if you didn't already know, he is a major character in the storyline). Scourge invasion is still going on, for a few more days, so get your necrotic runes and go buy yourself your very own Argent Dawn paladin trinket. And a concecrate flag, those are fun too.
Blizzard blue Tigole has promised this is not the end of pre-expansion goodies. What sort of events could be next? Will we see Arthas in all his ass-kicking glory? Will Orgrimar really get burned down? I can't wait, and if you play WoW, I'm sure you can't wait either. And if you don't play WoW, like Sodoom, well, you're missing out on a lot. Probably a lot more than Fable 2 can offer.
Speaking of Fable 2, I am taking the GRE general test this Saturday, and when that hellish test is over, I'll be beelining it to the local gamestop to pick up Fable 2. Woo for Xbox games!
And don't forget, Fallout 3 comes out this Tuesday. Save up your money!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Just a few gaming, and non gaming sites to check out.
The Nostalgia Critic man oh manz he is funny.
My Twitter acount!
And THIS 'ere site for wallpapers
and lastly for all us poor gamers the site that allows me to play a shit ton of game...
Thats it for now.
Game over,
My Twitter acount!
And THIS 'ere site for wallpapers
and lastly for all us poor gamers the site that allows me to play a shit ton of game...
Thats it for now.
Game over,
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bionic Commando: Rearmed Review

That is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Bionic Commando. A game that I played for hours upon hours back when I was a child.Well a reg child not a man child. Ahem, back then most game did not have save functions, or the old archaic password system. All those things made the game hard...hard as granite.
In case you not 31 years of age also I'll describe the game. It's an old school side scrolling platformer in which instead of jumping on your enemies you shoot them, or swing kick them when you get the upgrade. Noticed how I said "instead" of jump, and "swing" right? Well that's the games "catch". You don't jump. Ever. You use your extend able bionic left arm to grab, and swing, or pull yourself to where you need to go. Hence why it's called Bionic Commando. The game required you to be very precise. In later levels if you do not time your swings down to the Milli-second you are dead. At these levels the game is very unforgiving, but "oh so satisfying" when you conquer said level. I won't go into the story too much, but I'll say this much: You fight a reanimated Adolf Hitler in the near future. Yup. No kidding. lol.
Then about a year ago I saw a few screen shots of an upcoming XBLA/PSN game. Check them out:

Can you imagine what I went through when I saw those shots of this remake of one of my favorite games of all time? Yeah exactly. So the wait began. Good thing that there were a lot of game on the Xbox360 to keep me busy, or I would have gone around eating peoples pituitary glands. So the game came out in August. Is it good?
Oh yeah.
The graphics are the best I have seen in a side scrolling game. The best ever, like no joke. I mean Look at THIS! Sweet right? As for the gameplay? It's pretty much the same. That is a very good thing, in case you were wondering. The same Über precise controls are still there. You still need to time things perfectly in the later levels, or you are dead. There are a few changes. Such as:
1. The barrels the enemies used as cover are now "pick up-able" >_>
2. You can switch weapons on the fly. Very nice improvement indeed!
3. The game is easier due to the save system, maybe its easier overall. I don't know.
4. Most of the bosses are new, and improved. Except for the general boss.
5. Now while in the neutral zones if you fire your weapon the enemy's don't go ape sh*t.
6. There are these bonus rooms in the neutral zone, but these are hard as ballz.
7. etc etc....
Well that's all for now...
Game over,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Fallout 3 - Preview
Hey all,
So Fallout 3 comes out on the 28th, which is very soon, so lets recap what we know and why we should all be excited:

Fallout 3 takes place in post-nuclear-apocalypse Washington D.C. You are a from a Vault, Vault 101. Now, before the nuclear holocaust, Vaultec set up Vaults to keep people safe from the nuclear war. What the people didn't know is that these Vaults were also to be used as laboratories for social experiments. One vault (Vault 12) would not be closed in the event of an emergency. Other Vaults were designed to have constant water problems (cue in Fallout 1) and others had no entertainment stations, some only had 1 male and the rest female, etc etc etc. Vault 101's experiment was to keep the people in there forever. Vault 101 was never to be opened.
So, how would you feel when your father suddenly dissapears? He's not in the vault, everyone says. He got out. How'd it happen? Why'd it happen? Cue in Fallout 3.
You start the game with the quest of having to break out of Vault 101. When you do, you are only the second pe
rson from vault 101 to see the post-apocalyptic world, the first, (we assume) was your dad.
Bethesda studios has been extremely hush-hush about the story of the game. Really, we only have a 5-part miniseries of short movies (which runs on our live stream, so stay tuned and watch it!). In the short gameplay videos, we see how the V.A.T.S combat system works. V.A.T.S stands for Vaultec Assisted Targeting System. It pauses gameplay so you can pick and choose which area of the body (or the whole body, in the case of some weapons [grenades]) you want to destroy, and then after hitting the A button, you see a slo-mo version of your amazing shot. This is a nice option, and the great thing is you never have to use it, or you can use it for all combat damage, or some area in between. You can go through the whole game as if it is a first person shooter with all live action combat, or you can go through with turn based V.A.T.S awesomeness.
Leveling allows you to add points to different attributes such as strength, chrisma, etc. Also, each time you level, you can choose a "perk". As you get higher level, and as you start to lean either evil, good, or a grey inbetween, different perks become available. One perk that is mentioned in the 5 videos released by Bethesda is a 'super gore' perk. This means people die in extremely gorey ways, which is always fun. You get 1 perk per level, and they get cooler as you you continue through the game. fun!
A big factor of the game is Kharma. If you kill innocent people, or you choose to blow up Megaton (watch the 5-part video on our streaming player!), you will lose kharma
. As you lose kharma, you get more evil. Think Fable. The opposite is also true, as you do good things, you gain kharma, and get more good. Now, each has its pro's and con's. Super good NPCs will start coming after you to collect a bounty on your head if you're super evil, and super evil guys can come after good guys just because they hate all things good, and you're a good thing, so you're on the kill list.
Fallout 3 has been called Elder Scrolls 4 with guns, which, I guess could be true, but personally, I like nuclear holocaust a lot more than gates to hell, but that is just me.
Fallout 3 hits store shelves on October 28th. Hope you save your money up for this one folks, it looks like it will blow things to nuclear proportions. And just to get you to the top of your possible excitement, here is a nice little headshot to whet your appetite. Bon Appetite!

So Fallout 3 comes out on the 28th, which is very soon, so lets recap what we know and why we should all be excited:

Fallout 3 takes place in post-nuclear-apocalypse Washington D.C. You are a from a Vault, Vault 101. Now, before the nuclear holocaust, Vaultec set up Vaults to keep people safe from the nuclear war. What the people didn't know is that these Vaults were also to be used as laboratories for social experiments. One vault (Vault 12) would not be closed in the event of an emergency. Other Vaults were designed to have constant water problems (cue in Fallout 1) and others had no entertainment stations, some only had 1 male and the rest female, etc etc etc. Vault 101's experiment was to keep the people in there forever. Vault 101 was never to be opened.
So, how would you feel when your father suddenly dissapears? He's not in the vault, everyone says. He got out. How'd it happen? Why'd it happen? Cue in Fallout 3.
You start the game with the quest of having to break out of Vault 101. When you do, you are only the second pe

Bethesda studios has been extremely hush-hush about the story of the game. Really, we only have a 5-part miniseries of short movies (which runs on our live stream, so stay tuned and watch it!). In the short gameplay videos, we see how the V.A.T.S combat system works. V.A.T.S stands for Vaultec Assisted Targeting System. It pauses gameplay so you can pick and choose which area of the body (or the whole body, in the case of some weapons [grenades]) you want to destroy, and then after hitting the A button, you see a slo-mo version of your amazing shot. This is a nice option, and the great thing is you never have to use it, or you can use it for all combat damage, or some area in between. You can go through the whole game as if it is a first person shooter with all live action combat, or you can go through with turn based V.A.T.S awesomeness.

Leveling allows you to add points to different attributes such as strength, chrisma, etc. Also, each time you level, you can choose a "perk". As you get higher level, and as you start to lean either evil, good, or a grey inbetween, different perks become available. One perk that is mentioned in the 5 videos released by Bethesda is a 'super gore' perk. This means people die in extremely gorey ways, which is always fun. You get 1 perk per level, and they get cooler as you you continue through the game. fun!
A big factor of the game is Kharma. If you kill innocent people, or you choose to blow up Megaton (watch the 5-part video on our streaming player!), you will lose kharma

Fallout 3 has been called Elder Scrolls 4 with guns, which, I guess could be true, but personally, I like nuclear holocaust a lot more than gates to hell, but that is just me.
Fallout 3 hits store shelves on October 28th. Hope you save your money up for this one folks, it looks like it will blow things to nuclear proportions. And just to get you to the top of your possible excitement, here is a nice little headshot to whet your appetite. Bon Appetite!

War World for Xbox Live Arcade...WTF MAN!!
So I downloaded this demo for this XBLA. It has mechs in it. I like mechs! So this should be a match made in heaven. Here is a link to a video.
WRONG! You stupid idiot! OF COURSE YOUR WRONG!
I mean sure the game looks really cool. I think its powered by the Unreal Engine. It. Looks. Sweet.
It even plays sweet. The controls are pretty decent. The different mechs all looks pretty sweet. I mean they are all obviously ripped of from Battletech. Obviously. I don't mind tho. I like Battletech mech designs. You can pick from light fast mechs to large/ginormungundus slow mechs. They all cool, even tho I tend to prefer the slow lumbering type that blow everything up with a whisper.
Now to why I WONT buy this cool mech combat game? Whoever makes this game is a cheap ****! Also a dumb ****!They are Dumb, Cheap ****s! They could have made me WANT to buy their game. They could have. They could have let me play the demo just enough to make me say "FRAK it I'm buying it now". Instead what do they do?
I'll tell you.
Right now.
They let me play the games demo for a grand total of 45 seconds. 45 SECONDS. Whats wrong with these people? Not only do they NOT let me try out the other gameplay modes. I could only try deathmatch, with the lightest light mech they had. So yeah. That 45 second demo thing alone prevented me from buying War World. It pissed me off. I could barely figure out the controls before the I got the "purchase now if you wish to continue" which I reponded to "Suck my ball you dick ass". I was like "WTF? demo over? I didnt even play yet!"
So in closing,
This game can blow me sideways.
Game Over,
WRONG! You stupid idiot! OF COURSE YOUR WRONG!
I mean sure the game looks really cool. I think its powered by the Unreal Engine. It. Looks. Sweet.
It even plays sweet. The controls are pretty decent. The different mechs all looks pretty sweet. I mean they are all obviously ripped of from Battletech. Obviously. I don't mind tho. I like Battletech mech designs. You can pick from light fast mechs to large/ginormungundus slow mechs. They all cool, even tho I tend to prefer the slow lumbering type that blow everything up with a whisper.
Now to why I WONT buy this cool mech combat game? Whoever makes this game is a cheap ****! Also a dumb ****!They are Dumb, Cheap ****s! They could have made me WANT to buy their game. They could have. They could have let me play the demo just enough to make me say "FRAK it I'm buying it now". Instead what do they do?
I'll tell you.
Right now.
They let me play the games demo for a grand total of 45 seconds. 45 SECONDS. Whats wrong with these people? Not only do they NOT let me try out the other gameplay modes. I could only try deathmatch, with the lightest light mech they had. So yeah. That 45 second demo thing alone prevented me from buying War World. It pissed me off. I could barely figure out the controls before the I got the "purchase now if you wish to continue" which I reponded to "Suck my ball you dick ass". I was like "WTF? demo over? I didnt even play yet!"
So in closing,
This game can blow me sideways.
Game Over,
Friday, October 3, 2008
Absolutely Nothing To Do With Video Games
You'll get the last 5 seconds if you've seen "Bill O'Reilly Flips Out."
Thursday, October 2, 2008
FTP and You!
So over the jewish holiday, I dusted off my older laptop (iBook G4) and decided to hook it up to my existing PC and my sometimes there laptop. The MacBook is the laptop I bring around with me so it is with the rig when I am at home, and alone at school with me when I am not home. Here is an updated picture of my rig:
That laptop on the right is the one I recently added.
So I decided that I wanted to network all three together, that way I didn't have to get under my desk and move my external HD's wires to each computer in order to share files and folders. I first found a program called Windows FolderShare. It is a free-to-use program that allows you to create libraries that can then be accessed by other computers.
It is okay I guess, but it takes an hour to download an hour long episode of Heroes. That is not acceptable. Also, you cannot deposit files on another computer, just access files already on said computer's HD. That is also kind of meh.
So I found a nifty website that will allow me to turn my other Mac laptop into a FTP server. WOOT! So i'll be doing that soon, and hooking up my 250gig harddrive to that, so I have a nice big FTP server at my command. Sounds like a few weekends of fun! And i'm not being sarcastic, I enjoy networking and things of the like. I should be studying for the GRES (my first one, the bio subject test is Oct 18th, lol) but instead I'd rather network. =)
Here is the website I was talking about, incase anyone else has a spare Mac they want to turn into a FTP server: Click Here
Enjoy the Mogulus video, the feature game is Fallout 3 as you can tell. It hits stores on Oct 28th. After that, we will feature another game that will come out soon...see the pattern?

So I decided that I wanted to network all three together, that way I didn't have to get under my desk and move my external HD's wires to each computer in order to share files and folders. I first found a program called Windows FolderShare. It is a free-to-use program that allows you to create libraries that can then be accessed by other computers.
It is okay I guess, but it takes an hour to download an hour long episode of Heroes. That is not acceptable. Also, you cannot deposit files on another computer, just access files already on said computer's HD. That is also kind of meh.
So I found a nifty website that will allow me to turn my other Mac laptop into a FTP server. WOOT! So i'll be doing that soon, and hooking up my 250gig harddrive to that, so I have a nice big FTP server at my command. Sounds like a few weekends of fun! And i'm not being sarcastic, I enjoy networking and things of the like. I should be studying for the GRES (my first one, the bio subject test is Oct 18th, lol) but instead I'd rather network. =)
Here is the website I was talking about, incase anyone else has a spare Mac they want to turn into a FTP server: Click Here
Enjoy the Mogulus video, the feature game is Fallout 3 as you can tell. It hits stores on Oct 28th. After that, we will feature another game that will come out soon...see the pattern?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Mogulus Channel Coming Soon...
Hey all,
Quick update: I started working on a mogulus live streaming channel for 99 Lives...it will be up on the blog on the sidebar sometime this coming week, the weekend at the most. I'm kind of swamped with studying for a midterm I have on Friday, so don't hold your breath it'll be done before then. I got side tracked today by adding a second mac laptop to my rig and networking all three computers together...I was able to do it, along with adding my HD to the big mix, so the file sharing will go through the night, compiling music and transferring episodes of heroes from storage to a laptop I bring around with me. FUN!
Okay, it is 3a and i'm going to sleep...
Quick update: I started working on a mogulus live streaming channel for 99 Lives...it will be up on the blog on the sidebar sometime this coming week, the weekend at the most. I'm kind of swamped with studying for a midterm I have on Friday, so don't hold your breath it'll be done before then. I got side tracked today by adding a second mac laptop to my rig and networking all three computers together...I was able to do it, along with adding my HD to the big mix, so the file sharing will go through the night, compiling music and transferring episodes of heroes from storage to a laptop I bring around with me. FUN!
Okay, it is 3a and i'm going to sleep...
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